More recent audio projects can be found under WORK 2016-2022.
Musical work involves mainly singing and vocal work through improvisation and songwriting, using instruments such as accordion and electronic effects, working between acoustic and electronic genres.
I’ve worked in the past with art sound group Hissen based out of Temple Bar Gallery and Studios, with performances in The Lexicon in Dunleary, Dublin and in the Irish Museum of Modern Art Dublin as part of the Carol Rama exhibition. I’ve also worked with Patrick Kelleher with some music for a special performance in Warsaw, during the Artists Festival 2015 at Galerie Zacheta in Warsaw, here.
Working in the past with various musicians including Gavin Prior and Ailbhe Nic Oireachtaigh (Sabre Series), Diarmuid MacDiarmada and Brian Conniffe, as well as other acts including ESB, Paddy Mulcahy and United Bible Studies. Previous performances in the Joinery, Hunters Moon and Centre for Creative Practices amongst other venues. A forthcoming release with Sabre Series will also be released by Deserted Village label in the future. Some contributions have been included on past releases by United Bible Studies including The Gascoigne Observatory and Kitchen Sessions.
Recent release with Brian Conniffe and Diarmuid MacDiarmada on Lumberton Trading Company label. The ep (released on vinyl only) can be ordered from here
No more feathers, no more flesh, sell the books is a recent collaborative work from Diarmuid MacDiarmada, Brian Conniffe and myself. We build up pieces from various methods of improvisation and composition with various instruments and voice.
Video by Paradoxical Recordings of part of performance in the Joinery October 2015.
Landslide was put to a short film on 16mm made by Michael Higgins. Shown at Darklight Festival in 2011, and Berlin 8th Director's Lounge 2012.
Various images from past performances, click to see all.
The photographs above are taken by Jennie Flynn, Patrick Hough, Miranda Driscoll and Andreuch O'Maoinaigh.
Venues in photos include Designist, Ormston House, The Joinery, The Sugar Club.